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The Department of Law was created on October 1, 2015 by the merger of the two previous law departments: the Department of National and International Legal Sciences and the Department of Legal Systems.

The Department of Law has always combined research quality and teaching excellence. A point of reference in the development of national and international legal science, thanks to a class of professors active in local, national and European institutions and able to contribute to the definition of policy and legislative directions, the Department offers innovative teaching both in teaching methodology (through, for example, the use of e-learning platforms, competitive seminars, legal clinics) and content. A marked openness to internationalization, a focus on training that is not only theoretical, a vocation for orientation processes, and a constant dialogue with stakeholders enable Law courses to provide the jurist of the third millennium with knowledge and skills capable of responding to the new and diversified needs of the labor market.

The value of the research carried out by the faculty, which is interdisciplinary and open to dialogue between knowledge, is attested by the recognition by the MIUR of “Department of Excellence.” This is an achievement that places the Department’s scientific production among the best in Italy, a consequence of the excellent results achieved in the two previous VQR (Research Quality Assessment) procedures.

In recent years the Department has experienced continuous growth: professors, research fellows, PhD students constitute a scientific community, united by the common goal of offering students a “collaborative education”. At the same time, the aim is to contribute, through research and dissemination activities, to national and international legal-social development, education towards active citizenship and the growth of a culture of legality.

Giovanni Iorio

Prof. Giovanni Iorio is a Full Professor in Private Law at the University of Milano – Bicocca. He is well-known expert on Private Law, with a focus on Family law, civil partnerships and personal rights protection; he is also the author of several novels and legal essays, commentaries, and publications focusing on the new social formations, civil partnerships, incapacitated people and children’s protection, even in a comparative perspective.

Emanuela Migliaccio

Prof. Emanuela Migliaccio is an Associate Professor in Private Law at the University of Milano – Bicocca. She is an expert in Private Law and a Civil lawyer; her studies focus on civil and medical liability, contracts and succession law.

Guglielmo Bevivino

Prof. Guglielmo Bevivino is Researcher in Private Law at the University of Milano – Bicocca (RTDB). He is an expert on Contract Law, lawyer and former member of the Committee of Experts of the Office of the Italian President of the Council of Ministers.

Giacomo Cardaci

Dr. Giacomo Cardaci is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Private Law and PhD in Civil procedure at the University of Milano – Bicocca. His research areas are damages disputes, same-sex family law, and legal procedures for gender reassignment.

Stefania Pia Perrino

Dr. Stefania Pia Perrino is a Postdoctoral Researcher and PhD in Private Law at the University of Milano Bicocca. Her areas of research are artificial reproduction techniques, embryos and reproductive cells nature and disputes, medical liability and family law.